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  • No hate speech,trolling or toxicity. Harassment, hate speech, homophobia, racism, sexism, ableism, trolling or any toxicity are not allowed here, including the use of racial or homophobic slurs. This server has a zero-tolerance policy for such messages, and you may be banned immediately without warning.


  • No NSFW or suggestive content. Do not post anything that is NSFW or overly suggestive. This includes discussions about such topics. If you are unsure if it is considered NSFW or suggestive, you should refrain from posting it and seek clarification from ADMINS if necessary.


  • No spamming. This includes repeated use of bot commands, misuse of spoiler tags, rapidly switching voice channels or tagging people who are not currently active in the chat.


  • Be mindful of channels and their purpose. Failure to follow channel guidelines will be muted for a prolonged amount of time.


  • No Impersonation. Impersonating ANBU Members or significant community figures is also strictly forbidden. Punishment will be applied. Please message our ADMINS if you wish to verify yourself.


  • Remain civil and considerate towards other users. If there is a conflict, work to fix it instead of making it worse. Otherwise, send us a DM so we can handle it - don't be a wannabe ADMIN and try to deal with it yourself!


  • Follow all ADMINS instructions immediately and at all times. If you require clarification about any warning or instruction, please send a DM


  • Respect all ADMINS and MODERATORS


  • No Cheating - If caught cheating in its various forms is entirely prohibited. Players found to be cheating will be banned immediately. A video clip must be present in order for us to start the investigation. RED FLAG – Means Under Monitoring


  • Multiple Regiments are allowed but not BIG REGIMENTS. We have Affiliated Regiments and Banned Regiments you may ask Admins for further information.

Streamer Rules :


  • 1. If majority of the player you are with ANBU1 / 4N|BU please use Clan Tag ANBU1/4N|BU


  • 2. Toxic behavior and disrespect to players of other regiments will not be tolerated and subject to kick from the discord and ANBU clan


  • 3. Do not ENGAGE in negative COMMENTS

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